
Still blahflagh

Who ever knows what the future holds?
Everyday you make decisions that change your life, some are good and some are bad, but they are still changes.
I've lived for soon 20 years, who knows that on that particular period of time how many bad moves I've made, how many bad decisions. Who knows of what would have happend if I stayed with my first ex? Can speculate thru it but never know. Now when I look back a few years I see that it was a good move, I got to know a guy who changed me (<- change, good or bad). Thing is, right now, that was just a move. Let's see if it ware for the better, wierd thing about this is that I feel less interesting in the ripples I got, than his.
I just hope I'm not like that stupid dog I see all the time, running in circles around everyone at all times.

Bah, dont even know what I wrote there, I'm so tired.
School is 4 weeks more, I work on a daily basis atm, I push my family because my dads got the pigthing, my mom is depressed and my bro is just .. dont. Can't even relive the moment in my head when I saw him.
I'm not even sure I want this job for the next 5 months, 8h a day for a hole summer. From the exact day my school ends, the job starts. I might be looking at too much.

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