

My graduation was so fun, I had a really good time, everyone was happy and I really enjoyed it. But thats reeeally over, its been alot the last couple of weeks so now I'm just gonna take it easy, game alot and cook really good food for me and Q. I'm also gonna try and get to see my friend who just came home from Mexico, but she's starting work soon aswell. I'm feeling good, calm, and just great. Season 4 starts in about a week and thats really what I'm looking forward to, Q and I are gonna pwn like noone else has pwnd before.
I keep thinking about how he feels and what he's going thru, hes lost alot recently. Lots of idiots are coming to show their true colour. There are certain rules you do not break, but suffer the consequences, thats all. I'm so angry, not for what has happend, but for Q. Well, its like my grandfather always says in his native toung thou, "The last moron isnt born yet".

And currently I'm going thru all 9 seasons of the X files, I grew up with it on the TV, but to young to truly appreciate it. Its really good, and looking forward to the movie later.
Oh well, that will do for now.


Bah, wait, no, maybe?

So ... I got the job. Starting in 2 weeks, then my summer is over. I'm going to work 5 weeks, I'm going to work on my birthday, I'm gonna work all the weeks my mom has her vacation. Sounds like fun! I'm looking forward to it.
I'm so good, I'm so insanly good, I amaze myself sometimes, I'm one of the best.

Todays gonna be a bitch ..
bah, mom just called, she needs me. Have to write later, this studentparty isnt gonna fix itself you know. A slight sigh on this day. Qerub lies totaly innocent behind me, I just wanna crawl next to him, and lie there. He's so good. And lots of cheese ontop.