

There's no greater feeling in the world then being inlove. I admire people that say they still have a part of that new fresh in-love-feeling after 1, 2, even 10 years.
I go thru variouse peoples blogs everyday, and just read that again, reminding me of how beautiful it truly is, I'm happy for people that get out of bad relationships and move on. The fact that if the one they meet afterwards is the perfect one is just a bonus in my eyes, a great one at that.
Everyday, probobly every second someone in the world is making a mistake, it's human and shouldnt pay too much attention if that mistake doesnt include breaking a social code, law or norm that is.

I have had a wonderful weekend, I am truly happy that I have a man like Dag.
I don't feel too well, I'm in pain all the time (my wrist and such), I'm stressed and I have to much plans. When it gets too much he helps a lot.
Oh well. Kinda tired atm, so wish you a good night.

1 kommentar:

Tina sa...

Det blir lätt så i förhållanden, man vet inte hur människorna mår bakom stängda dörrar =P

Jag kan tex inte fatta att tiden har gått så fort med Andy! Lika mycket som det känns som om det alltid varit vi två så känns det oxå som det bara var någon vecka sen vi blev tillsmmans =)
Tiden går fort när man mår bra =)

hur går det med armen? har du fått några painkillers?