
Still blahflagh

Who ever knows what the future holds?
Everyday you make decisions that change your life, some are good and some are bad, but they are still changes.
I've lived for soon 20 years, who knows that on that particular period of time how many bad moves I've made, how many bad decisions. Who knows of what would have happend if I stayed with my first ex? Can speculate thru it but never know. Now when I look back a few years I see that it was a good move, I got to know a guy who changed me (<- change, good or bad). Thing is, right now, that was just a move. Let's see if it ware for the better, wierd thing about this is that I feel less interesting in the ripples I got, than his.
I just hope I'm not like that stupid dog I see all the time, running in circles around everyone at all times.

Bah, dont even know what I wrote there, I'm so tired.
School is 4 weeks more, I work on a daily basis atm, I push my family because my dads got the pigthing, my mom is depressed and my bro is just .. dont. Can't even relive the moment in my head when I saw him.
I'm not even sure I want this job for the next 5 months, 8h a day for a hole summer. From the exact day my school ends, the job starts. I might be looking at too much.



Tuesday went beyond what I could have imagine. People that was back-stabing, messing with each other, making lives miserable ware getting along. I told the group that teamwork was the key and that we needed to get along to make this work, and since I was the leader of this group I was going to make damn sure that was going to happen.
It was a complete success, I was coaching and pushing, making me kinda rethink what I was doing, but thats another story. The day was as said, a complete success, this was the most fun I've had in a long while, we hade a barbecue with about 500 sausages, lots of people to serve and we laughed the hole time.
After the clean up, we all felt we owed it to ourself to go and get drunk and that is exactly what we did. Had a hungover for 2 days, but totaly worth it.

I never thought buying a apartment would be such trouble, it takes forever, everything has to be checked and rechecked over and over again. But its worth it in the end. I'm moving back to my old block with a positive attitude. And everything feels great, a new home with a new feeling to it.

Love is thrusting and spring affects everyone. Dag and I keep building new foundations, new values and new ways to make each other happy. I've been waiting for something like this for a long time, and it's exactly what I need right now atleast.
A commitment with no boundaries, no pressure and most of all the exact freedome I need and still the precise amount of affection and love. And the great sex ofcourse.

About the near future, I'm being interviewed for a important job on wednesday, that could determent how my next few years look like. It's this kickass job for a company I really want to work for, Tele2. It has tremendous opportunities for further development, without a real edjucation (with that I mean university or any college of higher learning) become a project manager, key account manager, teamleader and who knows, might even go further.
And it's such a good pay, like I-can-buy-my-dream-camera-3-times-over good pay.

Let's see how it goes, don't know If I want to cross my fingers just yet, I was'nt quite ready for a dreamjob to pop up so soon.