
Just wanting

Out of shear boredom (serverns down) I've gone threw blogs, just to see what people really are writing about, and well, the boredom thing as well. The ones I've come across are my friends, my past, idiots, fools, dreamers and just nobody's. The ones that are fun are the ones who really write about nothing really, just blabber, thats where you can see what the person really is thinking about.
Some just link a bunch of You tube videos, yes, we have also seen them, oh really? Your linking them? I bet no one else have! You're so cool. Sigh.
And some are interesting, some write so passionate that you get touched by their words, never thought a blogg could make you shed a tear but yes, recently come across that as a truth.
Some write so wise, so good that you really think "wow, there are some brains left in the world".
Dont know what kind of a blogger I've been really, only been writing about myself, my thoughts and just, eh, foolish things really. But its helped allot, and guess thats why you write, to ease something, a emotion, a thought, anything.
I will never stop writing, and even if I don't write here as passionate as a dailyblogger, I have paper everywhere, I have thoughts that hasn't been completed yet.
I've written since I was a child, back then it was story's, my imagination ran wild, so much things that could happen! Kept some of it, even wrote some in English (I was a brainy child), noones ever seen them, doubt I will show them.
I've always taken pieces of a text, lyric, poem that I've liked and saved them. Always have and always will. Words that are like jumper cables to my brain, just love them.
As a child, when everyone else wanted to be a cop, or a doctor or something impressive, I wanted to be a writer.
I've always thought that you constantly evolve, mature, change, I still believe that. But as I sit here writing this I feel something I've felt before, something that's always been there. My love for writing will never fade, will never go away.
Words put together is so powerful, it creates something, something big, something that can't really be removed, think thats one of the parts of why I think its so fascinating.
The funny thing is, I wasn't really gonna write about this, don't know what I was gonna write about, but this is what has become of me just wanting to write.