
Take away my sadness

You ware the first love, you will always be special, 12 years you've been there for me, thank you and may you find more happiness wherever you are.


A new area, a new age

Sometimes I wonder why you're with me, why you're living with me.
I'm a train wreck in the morning, I've put you threw so much just by being so ignorant and such a fool. I've really tried my limits with you, I've really messed some things up so bad, I haven't left your side for a long time, and yet, you love me. Ive been stupid, I've been pushing you, I've been challenging you like too kittens over a bowl of milk. I've been childish and selfish. Every now and then without warning, I can be really mean towards you.
I'm a host of imperfection, but you see past all of that, you see potential.
I love you, I admire you, I think you will go far, further than anyone else, and I'll be right beside, supporting, loving and pating.
A new area, a new age.


Its all bullshit and its bad for you

So I'm officially the suckiest blogger ever maybe.
Well, got my wow back, felt alone there for a while.
Q and I are putting ourselfs up for a 2room apartment <3.
And well, Pricken as well.
Ive started working, which is nice.
My family went on their first vacation without me, felt weird.
We have bought a coffeemaker and it is truly my best friend.

And atm I'm scared shyteless.
In about 1h and 45mins I'm gonna change my birth control, about 3 years ago I went and got a implant in my arm, said to last 3 years, then you go and take it out. Its a thing they stick in your arm! damdamdaaam. Anyway, there gonna take it out and put in a new one, but the scary part is that they have to cut me! aaaah!
Oh noes, wait! Abstinence is the best birthcontrol! My bad!

eh. right.
fucking is good for you.