

The interview today went great, the woman whos gonna be my contact is so cool and so great. She funny, positive and friendly, had the right attitude and gave me hope. The actual interview was awesome, I totaly kicked ass with my resume and she got blown away. After 20 mins she said I was a sure thing on sending to the client. So next week, I'm gonna meet the company I'll be working for. Its a summer thing, 5 weeks, 8-12, so its alright. Its kinda outside Malmoe so its gonna take me a while to get there, not sure the work is something for me but we'll see after next week when I've met them and seen the place.
Even if I dont go for this job, the woman said she could find me something else because of my resume and my skills was wanted. To hear that I'm wanted is so awesome, I wont be working a lameass job because I need the money, I will get experience where I need it and do what I wish to do. Somewhere along this road, I made a hell of a good desition!



The Phone House was fun to some point, the people that worked there was not my kind of people, but really, that shouldnt matter. The money was good, the work was too easy. For me to feel that I'm doing good, to make a good job, I need a challenge. I did not get that from TPH, so, luckely for me, a woman called me last friday night, and she wanted to talk to me about another job. It feels amazing and so encouraging to know that you are wanted on the market. This job is a hole new direction, still amongs economics, sell and business, all the stuff I want to do for the rest of my life. I've really found my way when it comes to work, its a relief not knowing youre one of those youngsters going on for years not really knowing what they want.

I do not go to school and I havnt been for some time now, I dont really feel bad about it since I know I wont be going out with total failure. I know it can all be fixed if I choose to go back to school. Everyone keeps telling me I'm gonna have a hard time doing that when I've gotten the taste for money. Well, first off, dont think I'm like everyone else, since I'm so clearly not.

The graduation, 12e june, if youre reading my blog it means you care, and if you care, you are granted the permission to come and see my graduation. It's gonna be fun, it's the last thing I'm doing at that school, and by the gods I'm gonna be stunning. Then off to a nice dinner with family, well, its as nice as it can be. My family is special, love them for it.

Q and I are kinda living together, been for some time now. But the recent too weeks we've had another one in this apartment. My beloved Pricken. He's been so cute and so adorable it has brought light in. That cat makes me so happy.

And Q and I are going strong. Yesterday I got to hear for the first time that I was loved from him. Love, that word, its so scary yet magnificent at the same time. Fool as I am, I didnt return the words until a few hours later, scared as I was. I've never heard it and belived it before.
My x didnt love me, he loved everything I did for him, he loved the situations, the company, the desitions. But when I head it from Q it was a hole new experience.

I do not love easily, but by far, he is the man who has done everything to keep me happy, he have had to put up with alot of crap from my part, and with that fact in it all, I really admire him for beeing as strong as he is.
I admire him for being who he is, for doing what he wants, for trying to achive his goals, he is truly a amazing man, and he is mine.

My family is doing great, I'm so proud of them. My mom is working her ass off asusual, nothing really new there. I look up to her very much for being so persistent, amazing watching someone do exactly what they want, the happiness.
My father is also happy, he has fallen inlove with his new job, you can tell. He really gives it his all and puts love into it. Too bad he has serious backproblems right now, he's lying in bed wishing to go to work, never seen that either tbh.
My babybrother is so strong right now, I look up to him aswell, he is the man who will change lives. His brave heart, his good will, he has taken a hole lot of beating because of it but his strength, his courage, its so truly pure. To mean well to everyone he meets, its so unique.
My family is strong, but we can be weak with each other, we are a unit of different opinions, different wills, and yet we keep together.
Wouldnt trade away them for anything in the world.
